September 19, 2013

Escaping the Reality of Solitary Through Stories

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Inmates housed on Arkansas’s death row are held in solitary confinement, forced to remain in their cells for 23 hours per day, held behind a steel door without access to sunlight, exercise, or meaningful human interaction. The walls of the roughly 6×9 cells they pass their days in begin to close in and sensory deprivation often begins to impact their bodies and minds profoundly. Many develop paranoia, suicidal depression, physical deterioration and other conditions that they did not have prior to being held in administrative segregation.

However, the most remarkable people are able to grow mentally and spiritually, even under these extreme conditions. Of course they experience dark days and seasons, but they use their limited resources to hold onto hope and optimism. Tim is one of those remarkable people.

In this clip he tells us how reading helps him mentally escape his surroundings. And some of his reading choices might just surprise you!

To see more clips from our conversation with Tim, click here.