
Help us free innocent people from prison!

Getting someone who is innocent out of prison is a monumental task. It takes years of investigation and court proceedings, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars to reinvestigate these cases and hire attorneys and experts.

Exonerees also need support after they get out, whether that’s for things like finding a place to live or starting counseling to deal with the trauma that they’ve gone through. When Proclaim Justice takes on a client, we pay for all of these needs and more.

Your support helps us continue the fight, and gets us one step closer to bringing another innocent person home.

If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to Proclaim Justice and send it to the address below.
Proclaim Justice
2110 RR 620 S #342403
Austin, TX 78734

  • Are donations tax deductible?

    Yes. Gifts to Proclaim Justice are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law. Tax Number: 46-1395681. For gifts made online, please keep your email receipt as your official record of your donation. For gifts made offline, a receipt will be sent to the address provided. Consult your tax advisor for questions regarding your specific tax situation.

  • Can I donate by mail?

    Yes. If you would like to donate by mail, please address your donation to:

    Proclaim Justice
    2110 RR 620 S #342403
    Austin, TX 78734

  • What is your donor privacy policy?

    Proclaim Justice will not share, publish, trade or sell your information with anyone.

    Proclaim Justice does not publish donor’s names, foundation names, or donor-advised fund names except when explicitly authorized when related to sponsorship of events or special programs.

    To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.

  • What does my donation pay for?

    All donations received by Proclaim Justice go toward either freeing an innocent person from prison or supporting an exoneree’s transition after getting out. The work we do is very expensive. Each case requires investigation, case-related documents and material procurement, expert witnesses, attorney fees, and other costs, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars for each one. Your donations pay for these crucial items, as well as many other important steps along the way to freeing an innocent person.

  • Will I receive a receipt?

    Yes. For gifts made online you will receive a receipt via email. For gifts made offline we will mail a receipt to the address provided.

  • Can I make a donation in honor of someone?

    Yes. For gifts made online, check the box that says “Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone”, then fill out the form that appears. For gifts made offline, please include a note with your donation indicating who you would like to honor, what message you want included, and an address where we can notify them of your gift.

  • I have another donation question?

    For more information about other ways to give, such as estate planning, employer giving or endowments, or if you have a donation question that has not been answered here, please email us at

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    You can support Proclaim Justice every time you shop, at no cost to you, by adding us on AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile lets you shop Amazon exactly as you normally would, but every time you make an eligible purchase, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% to the charitable organization of your choice. This is a great way to support Proclaim Justice effortlessly!

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    You can create your own Facebook fundraiser to raise money for Proclaim Justice whenever you like!

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