
Featured Case
Another Wrongful Conviction in West Memphis While the facts of the case were different from the West Memphis 3 case a few years prior, many of the people and places involved were the same and yielded the same result: another botched investigation and prosecution by the authorities in West Memphis. Learn more about DeMarco's story
Current Cases
Saul Contreras Incarcerated For:
20 Years
5 Months
9 Days
Saul is respected and admired by all around him. He even welcomed his sister-in-law and her five children to live in his home where he, his wife, and their own children lived. He often supervised all of the children and was loved by them all. That love and strong sense of protecting his family was eventually used against him by police, resulting in a wrongful conviction of the death of his niece Jazmine.
Meet Saul Contreras
Nikki Zinger Incarcerated For:
33 Years
0 Months
19 Days
Imagine finding out that your mother had been brutally murdered inside her home, then having to clean up her blood after the police allowed you into the home, then being wrongly convicted and sentenced to life. That's the nightmare Nikki has been living since 1991.
Meet Nikki Zinger
Tim Howard Incarcerated For:
19 Years
11 Months
27 Days
After spending almost 20 years behind bars, nearly 15 of which were on death row, Tim was released on December 14, 2017.
Meet Tim Howard
Andres Mascorro Incarcerated For:
25 Years
10 Months
21 Days
Andres was wrongly convicted of capital murder in Texas in 1998. After hours of interrogation and threats of deportation for him and, more importantly to him, family members, Andres falsely confessed to the murder of Daryl Kolojaco.
Meet Andres Mascorro
DeMarco Wilson Incarcerated For:
27 Years
3 Months
6 Days
DeMarco, along with Antonio Williams and Kendric Gillum, was convicted of the 1997 murder of Charles Newsome. They were tried in Judge David Burnett's courtroom. Judge Burnett presided over the infamous West Memphis 3 case a few years before.
Meet DeMarco Wilson
Kendric Gillum Incarcerated For:
27 Years
3 Months
6 Days
Kendric, along with Antonio Williams and DeMarco Wilson, was convicted of the 1997 murder of Charles Newsome. They were tried in Judge David Burnett's courtroom. Judge Burnett presided over the infamous West Memphis 3 case a few years before.
Meet Kendric Gillum
Daniel Villegas Incarcerated For:
23 Years
6 Months
11 Days
After more than 20 years, Daniel Villegas’ long nightmare finally ended in October 2018 when an El Paso jury found him not guilty of capital murder.
Meet Daniel Villegas