March 8, 2014

Visiting Tim in Ashdown

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By: John Hardin

I had a great visit with Tim on Thursday night. His move to county jail has been a challenging transition after having the same routine  for so many years on death row. There are new sights, sounds, and people to adjust to, but he is doing really well overall. His new  trial is scheduled for September 22-26 of this year. He sends along his gratitude for all the support he has received. One thing he  truly looks forward to is letters from folks on the outside. You can write him at:

Tim Howard
c/o Little River County Jail
351 N. Second St., Suite 2
Ashdown, AR 71822

We’ll be rolling out more clips of the conversation that Mara and I had with Tim a few months ago. Here’s one in which he talks about why historical fiction is one of his favorite genres of books.